God still loved us with such great love (Ephesians 2:4)
My Books
Here is a selection of the books I have written.
A Short Course for Small Groups. The LORD’S Prayer
This short course for small groups is a great aid to growing in relationship with
God and each other in a relaxed but searching way. What do you hope will
happen in the home group that you lead? Some of the following?-
Focus on God, relaxed discussion, inspiration for the week ahead, stories of what
He has done? This little book, with explanatory notes and six easy-to-lead
sessions, stimulates all of these. It also leads us to a deeper appreciation of The
Lord's Prayer.
Drops in the Ocean
(20 Thoughts, One for each day. Book 1)
Do you ever need a little inspiration? This book is for you! Drops
in the Ocean has 20 short chapters full of fresh ideas written
from a Christian point of view.
Becoming Disciples:
Volume 3 (Short Courses for Small Groups) Paperback
Becoming Disciples leads groups to grow in their relationship
with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit in six chapters. After
looking at personal experiences. and focusing on God. each
chapter directs the group to Bible verses and questions about
how they relate the Scriptures to their everyday life. It is the third
book in the Short courses for small groups series.
God's grace fuels my passion to enlighten every person to this wonderful mystery (Ephesians 3:9)
Reflective Challenges from the Lord's Prayer:
Volume 1 (Personal Reflections.) Paperback – 3
July 2017
The Relevance of the Old Testament to Everyday
Life. (Short Courses for Small Groups Book 2)
The Bible and the Hereafter. (6 Reflections on a
Theme Book 1)
Most of us dread death, but do we need to? The after life is
a mystery, so how can we find out more? This short book
helps us discover some answers from the Bible.The Old
Testament is not only full of amazing stories of God's
provision, kindness, deliverance but is also the backdrop of
the fulfillment of The Promise - Jesus and the coming ofthe
Kingdom of Heaven, here on earth. This course is designed
for people to discover together. It does not pretend to cover
the whole of the Old Testament, as my intention is to give
an overview in six sessions and to help people to relate it to
their everyday lives.
Who He is, who we are. (Short courses for small
groups Book 4)
Do you have a group of friends with whom you would like to
discover more about Jesus< His Father (and our Father) and Holy
Spirit? If so, this book is for you!
Help! there are children in the church
'Help! We've got children in our church' is very simple seven
session course for children's groups on the Lord's prayer. It is
particularly written for small churches.
Each session has a story, and activity and a game as well as
suggested questions and prayer ideas. There are also general
tips, a book list and a list of games and how to play them
What is Prophecy? Can I prophesy? Paperback –
16 Jan. 2018
Have you ever wondered what prophecy is? This practical little
book will answer your questions in an easy-to-read way. Full of
personal stories and written with a light touch. A very useful
introduction to the prophetic. Of especially interest for those
who have recently come to know Jesus through Alpha. A helpful
resource for study/house groups and for anyone who would like
to know more about prophecy.